Saturday 24 March 2018

Cantona, Leeds x3

I may have posted one of these before, but I'm sure you'll forgive me if I have!!

Here are three Cantonas, in Leeds 91-92 title winning kits:

These 2 were for customers. As you'll know if you've read before, I have a bit of a thing for shirt numbers. I find it interesting that people tend to choose number 14 for this season's kits, though 7 has been asked for before.

I looked into it recently, and found out that he didn't actually wear the number 7 for Leeds in 1991-92. He did wear it frequently in 92-93 before leaving.

Shirt numbers were 1-11 at that time but players tended to have their favourites, so when Cantona started, he tended to take what was left... even leading to him wearing number 2 and 3 shirts a few times. He was more frequently a sub in this season though, meaning 12 or 14.

This one was for me!!

I'd considered getting this a while ago, but found it to be too expensive! I found it for a reasonable price, recently, so went for it!!

I chose this kit, because I'd already done the above figure in 92/93 kit.

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